Environmentally Friendly
Industrial Coatings

Our Cause
Bio-corrosion is the reason our company exists. Various microorganisms, such as anaerobic and aerobic bacteria, can eat away both metallic and nonmetallic surfaces. Acidithiobacillus bacteria produce sulfuric acid (H2SO4) which oxidizes iron and creates rust.
This and other forms of environmental bacteria commonly thrive in sewers and other below ground structures, containment areas, and highly humid environments. While these microscopic organisms are invisible to the naked eye, their damage is clear and obvious.

Helping Our Environment Through Cleaner, Safer,
& More Efficient Coatings

About Us
Setting the standard for over 30 years with top quality coatings that are environmentally friendly. Our extensive warranties reduce coating failure liability for our certified applicators.
Quality Counts
Environmental Coatings will only sell to Certified Applicators. We do this to ensure that our products will produce consistent and reliable results. We ensure our applicators have the experience and skill necessary to produce the quality result our customers have come to expect.
More Effecient
100% solids-contain no bitumens or asphalts | Environmentally sound so will not pollute air, soil or water | Zero solvents | Zero Volatile-Organic-Compounds(VOC)